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At Rose Hill Primary School we treat safeguarding as our highest priority, ensuring that all children in our care are safe and secure at all times.
All members of staff are responsible for safeguarding but in addition we have a number of people with designated safeguarding responsibilities.
These people are:
- Miss Johnson. Designated Safeguarding Lead. To contact Miss Johnson please phone 01865 777937 or email kjohnson@rosehillprimary.org
- Mrs Kupka and Mrs Malik. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads To contact Mrs Kupka or Mrs Malik, please phone 01865 777937 or e-mail: office@rosehillprimary.org
- Ms Tyack. Co-opted Safeguarding Governor
You can find all our safeguarding documents on our policies page HERE.
Our safeguarding newsletters can be read HERE.