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Early Years Curriculum

At Rose Hill we follow the government’s curriculum for Early Years: The Early Years Foundation Stage. However, we also build on this to give our youngest pupils in Nursery and Reception the most bespoke 'Rose Hill' experience that we can.

The EYFS curriculum is broken into Seven Areas:

The Prime Areas: Communication and Language; Physical Development; and Personal, Social and Emotional development.

The Specific Areas: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; and Expressive Arts and Design.

Children learn in a variety of ways: from and with each other; with adults; and through their interactions with the environment. Children learn both inside and outside. 

Our EYFS Curriculum:

Details of topics taught in Reception and Nursery sit alongside Key Stages One and Two on our Whole-School Curriculum documents.

We present our EYFS curriculum side-by-side with other year groups as we believe it is important to show clearly how pupils progress through our curriculum from their very start with us.

The same curriculum information is also available separately in our EYFS Curriculum Documents, where learning is separated into the EYFS seven areas of learning, rather than KS1 and KS2 subject headings. These are available by clicking the following links: 

EYFS Curriculum Statement

EYFS Curriculum Overview

Progression of Knowledge and Skills - Nursery

Progression of Knowledge and Skills - Reception


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