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Inclusion and SEND


Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities thrive at our school. We know that all pupils are different and we create an inclusive, nurturing environment for everybody by knowing our pupils and their needs well. Providing pupils with SEND with the tools that they need to be succesful is built-in, not bolt-on, to our curriculum. 

Each pupil with SEND has a Pupil Profile. The Pupil Profile is created with the SENDCo, Class Teacher, parents or carers, and the pupil themselves, and is reviewed three times per year in a collaborative meeting between families and school. 

The Pupil Profile details the pupils' strengths, interests and academic achievement. It also shows any areas that the pupil finds more difficult, or where they are struggling, and strategies that can be implemented by school staff to support them. Class Teachers are then responsible for providing scaffolds or interventions as detailed on the Pupil Profile. 

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Annabelle Lowe. She can be contacted by email at 

Forest Class

At Rose Hill Primary School, we are proud of our Enhanced Pathway Class, Forest, which is funded by Oxfordshire County Council. Forest Class provides education for our pupils with complex needs who cannot access mainstream education. 

Forest Class has it's own curriculum, developed by Rose Hill's SENDCo, the River Learning Trust's Director of Inclusion, and a number of other experts in this area. 

The teacher in Forest Class is Mr Sam Ramsay and he is supported by two support staff colleagues. 

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is an allocation of funds for pupils from lower income families. Nearly 50% of the pupils at Rose Hill Primary School have access to the PPG.

Pupils with access to the PPG can benefit in a number of ways. As a school, we believe that equality of opportunity is paramount in education and that there is nothing that should stop all of our pupils achieving exceptionally. We strive for excellence for all of our pupils, regardless of their circumstances. 

Our Pupil Premium lead is our Assistant Headteacher, Ms Sana Malik. 

Please see our most recent Pupil Premium Strategy Report by clicking here.


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