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Reading and Phonics

Phonics at Rose Hill Primary School

We teach our pupils to become fluent readers through Phonics.

This is taught to all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 using the DfE validated scheme ‘Read Write Inc’. This is a Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme which takes pupils through all the Phonics phases and provides them with a library of decodable books which match their Phonics level and the teaching they are receiving.

Each pupil in these year groups is assessed regularly and then they are put into groups for their daily Phonics teaching which match their individual levels. 

All of our colleagues at school receive high quality training in delivering Read Write Inc. Phonics so pupils can move through groups which are led by excellent Support Staff and Teachers. 

In some cases, we take Phonics teaching into Key Stage Two. We quickly identify who might need this continued support in Year 3 and beyond and ensure these pupils are given small, focussed, and accurately assessed groups to work in for as long as they need it.

If pupils still need this support when they reach Upper Key Stage Two, we move to Read Write Inc.'s programme "Fresh Start Phonics". More information about this can be found by clicking here.

The Parent Guide to Read Write Inc., including videos, can be found by clicking here.

More information about Read Write Inc. and Phonics in general can be found by clicking here.

Reading at Rose Hill Primary School

Throughout the school, reading is incredibly important to us. We love to read, and our pupils say it is one of their favourite things at school. Phonics lessons teach us the skills we need to read books, and we all progress from there. Reading happens at school in many different ways: 

  • Whole Class Reading: Years 1 to 6 have daily 'Whole Class Reading' sessions. Every pupil has a copy of a high-quality text, which is read by the whole class over a half-term. Every pupil in the class gets experience of reading aloud to the rest of the class. Pupils will also discuss what they are reading with each other and their teacher, and answer comprehension questions using a range of strategies.  

  • Reading Assembly: Every Monday morning, the Headteacher reads a book with the whole school. We discuss together the themes of the book and what we can learn from it, as well as other concepts like identifying parts of a book, and what indicates that a book is fiction or non-fiction. There is a display outside our school hall which shows all the books we have read during our Reading Assembly. 

  • Precision Teaching: Where pupils might need a little extra outside of Phonics, we often use 'Precision Teaching'. More information can be found by clicking here.

  • Book Corners: Each classroom has an inviting book corner where carefully chosen books are displayed for pupils to enjoy. Pupils can use the book corner to explore new texts, or sit in to enjoy a book at appropriate times. 

  • 1:1 Reading: All pupils read regularly on a 1:1 basis with their Teacher or a member of Support Staff.

  • The Library: We are incredibly proud of our library at school, where pupils love to visit, choose books, and discuss what they like to read. All pupils are allowed to take their library books home to read in their own time.

  • EYFS Multi-Lingual Library: We are incredibly proud of the nearly 40 different language spoken at our school, and we want children to start reading straight away, even if that is not in English! Our Early Years department has a fantastic multi-langauge library with books reflecting all of the languages spoken in our school. Pupils are allowed to take these home to enjoy with their families. 

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