Assembly is our time to come together and discuss, reflect and consider everything that happens in our school.
Each Assembly has a different focus:
On Mondays, we have our "Reading Assembly". This is led by Miss Wilkie. Each week, we read a book together and discuss it's themes and meanings. There is a display outside our school hall showing all the books we have read so far each term.
Tuesdays are our "Safety Assembly". One of the leadership team delivers an assembly on how to keep ourselves safe. Topics include online safety, water safety, healthy eating and many more!
We stay in class for assembly on a Wednesday, when we learn about and discuss current affairs through 'Picture News'. More information about Picture News can be found here.
Thursdays are Phase Assemblies. Our Phase Leaders lead an assembly which could be around a range of topics, sometimes linking to our PSHE learning or an event happening that week.
Friday is celebration day! Miss Wilkie hosts celebration assemblies, where each class presents two 'Champions of the Week'. We also celebrate attendance in this assembly, with the school bears going to the class with the highest attendance and the class with the most improved attendance.
One-off Assemblies:
Sometimes we have one-off assemblies where visitors talk to us about a specific topic. For example, we have had authors present on World Book Day, and local religious leaders tell us about festivals or special times in their religion.