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All children wear a uniform at Rose Hill Primary School. Children wear white shirts or polo shirts and black or dark grey trousers or skirts, with a red sweatshirt or cardigan.

In the summer, grey or black shorts and red/white school summer dresses can be worn. This is worn every day, apart from PE days – where children can wear their PE kit to school all day.

For PE:

  • Children need to wear black or grey joggers,leggings, or shorts with a plain white or red t-shirt. They will need to wear trainers (white or black, with no lights or distracting features), unless doing indoor gymnastics when they will be barefoot or can wear plimsolls or gymnastics grip socks. They will also need to have a school jumper or cardigan even on PE days.  We ask all children to wear their PE kits all day, except if there is a special school event

For everyday school wear:

  • School jumpers and cardigans must be red. They can be purchased from school with our logo on or you can purchase plain red school jumpers and cardigans from supermarkets and other clothing stores. 
  • White or red tops are worn under the jumper cardigan. This can be a button up shirt, polo shirt, or t-shirt. 
  • Black or grey bottoms are worn. These can be trousers, joggers, leggings or shorts. 
  • Red school dresses, black or grey pinafore dresses and black or grey skirts/skorts can also be worn. 

Please contact the main school reception to enquire about purchasing these items or phone 01865 777937 if you have any enquiries.

If you prefer, you can buy these items from an alternative supplier. You do not have to purchase them through the school.

If you are having any issues getting hold of the correct uniform please contact the office.

If you would like to donate any uniform your child has grown out of, let the office know.

Our School Uniform Policy can be found on our 'Policies' Page, and also by clicking this link.

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